God Quotes

God Only Puts Us Through As Much As We Can Handle
By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of SearchQuotes October 7, 2012
God, Strength, Struggle, Faith, Overcome, Inspirational, Trust In God Quotes
 God only puts us through as much as we can handle, so the people who struggle the most, have been chosen by God to be the strongest ones. 
Did you know that God will never put more on you than you can handle? God never explains why certain horrendous things in life are able to happen, but he does let us know in his word that he will always be there for us when we need him to be.
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About:  God quotes with pictures   Strength quotes with pictures   Struggle quotes with pictures   Faith quotes with pictures   Overcome quotes with pictures   Inspirational quotes with pictures   Trust In God quotes with pictures  
Faith Is Bigger Than Fear
By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of SearchQuotes September 9, 2012
Faith, Uplifting, Fear, Hope, Life, God Quotes
 Faith is bigger than fear. 
In order to get what you really desire out of life, you have to be willing to have faith. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it, and if you do believe it, you will. Believing that you will actually see the victory that you set out for, is hard to do when you are actually faced with adversity, but we have to remember that without adversity God cannot help our faith to grow.
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About:  Faith quotes with pictures   Uplifting quotes with pictures   Fear quotes with pictures   Hope quotes with pictures   Life quotes with pictures   God quotes with pictures  
Thank God For His Blessings
By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of SearchQuotes September 1, 2012
God, Blessings, Inspirational Quotes
 Thank you God for blessing me more than I deserve. 
Every day that we breath new life is a blessing that we don't deserve. We serve a mighty god, a great God that has given us dominion on earth and his unmerited grace so that we can feel like we are good enough, even when things seem to be going haywire in our lives. Our God is a God of love and as we are made in his image, we should celebrate, and praise him for the fact that he didn't have to do anything for us.
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About:  God quotes with pictures   Blessings quotes with pictures   Inspirational quotes with pictures  
When God Steps In, Miracles Happen
By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of SearchQuotes August 26, 2012
God, Miracles, Inspirational, Uplifting Quotes
 When God steps in, miracles happen. 
Our whole life is a miracle. From us being born, to us living a free life, free of condemnation, and free of having to worry about what others do to bring us down! We are more than conquerors, if we just believe in him, and work through his will instead of trying to live our lives living our own will there will be nothing put in our paths that we wont be able to overcome.
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About:  God quotes with pictures   Miracles quotes with pictures   Inspirational quotes with pictures   Uplifting quotes with pictures  
Thank God For Everything That He Does For You
By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of SearchQuotes August 19, 2012
God Quotes
 Sometimes I just look up, smile, and say, I know that was you God! Thanks! 
Do you ever just look up and tell God thank you for all that he has done in your life. We have to remember to thank God for the little things we take for granted, like being able to breath, being able to think freely, being able to communicate our feelings with others. We should thank God for being able to love, and for those who love us unconditionally.

Your Ways Are Not Always God's Ways
By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of SearchQuotes August 5, 2012
Your Ways Are Not Always God's Ways
 Your ways are not always God's ways. 
Just because you desire something out of life, and just because you have a dream set up for yourself, doesn't mean that God wants that for you. Your ways are not always God's ways and this sets up perfectly to live a life on earth in which we learn how to trust, and how to love from a being that we can't even see with the naked eye.
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God created you to make people happy, to make them feel special and loved. So before you do something for yourself think of what you could do for others.

 Erika Elizondo quotes  

Any fool can count the seeds in an apple.  Only God can count all the apples in one seed.  ~Robert H. Schuller

Every evening I turn my worries over to God.  He's going to be up all night anyway.  ~Mary C. Crowley

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.  ~St. Augustine

Young man, young man, your arm's too short to box with God.  ~James Weldon Johnson

God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them.  ~Author Unknown

What we are is God's gift to us.  What we become is our gift to God.  ~Eleanor Powell

A man with God is always in the majority.  ~John Knox

Certain thoughts are prayers.  There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.  ~Victor Hugo

You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list.  The longer your list, the smaller your God.  ~Author Unknown

Maybe the atheist cannot find God for the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman.  ~Author Unknown

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