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Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Lunes, Oktubre 1, 2012

Small minds

"Small minds cannot comprehend big spirits. To be great you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. Stay strong"

Knowledge Is Power

Hashem AL-ghaili

Miyerkules, Setyembre 26, 2012

In 2020 We Can Wear Sony Computers On Our Wrist

Our present need for internet connectivity is so profound that secondary devices like the Nextep Computer are bound to happen. Developed to be worn as a bracelet, this computer concept is constructed out of a flexible OLED touchscreen. Earmarked for the year 2020, features like a holographic projector (for screen), pull-out extra keyboard panels and social networking compatibility, make the concept plausible. Ten years from now is not too far away, so how many of you think we’d be buying such gadgets?

Designer: Hiromi Kiriki




Biyernes, Setyembre 21, 2012

A tourist peers into the Darvaza Gates Of Hell gas crater in the Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan. The eerie cavern has been on fire for more than 40 years. It was discovered in 1971 by Soviet geologists when the ground beneath their drilling r
ig suddenly collapsed, leaving a large hole with a diameter of 70 metres (230 ft). As the huge crater was filled with potentially poisonous natural gas the decision was made to set it alight. Scientists expected it to burn itself out within a few days, but the fire is still as fierce as ever.Picture: Amos Chapple / Rex Features

Amazing Rock in Saudi Arabia – Believe It Or Not!

Amazing Rock in Saudi Arabia - Believe It Or Not!

A huge rock in a village of Al-Hassa region, SAUDI ARABIA raises 11 cms from the ground level once in a year during the month of April and stays elevated for about 30 minutes!!!
They say that 17 years ago, one Mujahid was shot dead behind this rock as he was hidden there. This encounter happened in the month of April 1989. You can see the fresh blood stains on the rock. Most surprisingly, when the rock raises from the ground, these stains become darker, fresher and wet. Local residents tried to wipe off the stains several times, but after some time it appears again on the rock automatically…
Now the true story of the ‘floating rock’:

( review is presented below)
After sometime of believing that the picture is not true without able to prove it, I finally come accross an arabic forum where the members discussing this. Thanks to image search engines, I can show you the pictures below that show the original rock in several viewing angles. The pictures show why the ‘floating rock’ is almost so convincing that many people reject to accept that such is only a manipulated image. The rock itself is unique, and is supported by at least three rock structures below it. The supporting rocks seem to be a continuous part of the rock that unite it with the ground. The supporting rocks are relatively very small compared to the size of the rock above them.
That fact explains why it is easy to manipulate the rock to be ‘floating’. By photographing the rock at the right angle, one can have a picture where the supporting rock can be erased without manipulating other part of the whole image. Such small manipulation was enough to produce the miraculous ‘floating rock’.
Here are several of the pictures:
Amazing Rock in Saudi Arabia - Believe It Or Not!
Amazing Rock in Saudi Arabia - Believe It Or Not!

Amazing Rock in Saudi Arabia - Believe It Or Not!

Amazing Rock in Saudi Arabia - Believe It Or Not!

From the forum, I also learned that the rock is actually located in Al Ahsa, near Tuwaithir village in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. You can see what the place looks like and the many unique rocky structures it has here, in Panoramio. There is also another reference to the original rock in flickr.

Underwater Photo Sets

Underwater photography has never been more exciting than this. From famed fashion photographers looking to push creative boundaries to brave teenagers looking to conquer new mediums, underwater photography is finally having its moment. Here, we've compiled ten different photographers who's style is completely different than anything you have ever seen.
Fairy Tales Come Alive: Zena Holloway
Compiling a list of underwater photographers just wouldn't be right without mentioning Zena Holloway. Holloway creates a fantasy world a few of us have ever known, either above the sea or within it. Talk about an underwater fairy tale...
source: here
Fashion Forward: Barbara Cole
A self-taught photographic artist, Barbara Cole dropped out of high school and discovered what it was she wanted to do. She says photography found her, identified her and ultimately saved her. Cole recently shot a beautiful underwater spread for Anthropologie.
source: here
Underwater Fairy Tales: Elena Kalis
There's no doubt that Elena Kalis has one of the most amazing underwater photo sets you've probably ever seen. This Russian photographer creates scenes that are at once light and playful and then dark and mysterious. The best part? She asks her own kids to be a part of the process.
sorce: here
Fashionably Floating - Alix Malka
Alix Malka makes fashion come alive with floral dresses floating underwater. Malka captures model Marcelina Sowa in beautiful, swirling motion and dramatic poses for Japanese magazine, Numero Tokyo.
sorce: here
Modern Day Mermaid: An Le
An Le is a Vietnamese photographer who tries his hand at underwater photography with these shots. Just 20 years old, he shows us that creativity can flow from anyone, regardless of age.
source: here
The Girl Who Fell Into the Well: Christel Eldrim
Christel Eldrim (aka Estethia on Flickr) is a photographer who works in Stockholm, Sweden. A skilled artist and photographer with a great eye for detail, Edrim has that ability of turning pictures into stories.
source: here
Mysterious Movements: Ruud Baan
Dutch photographer Ruud Baan likes to capture underwater shots that leave you asking for more. With an artistic eye, Baan makes us think we're seeing more than we should.
sorce: here
Drew's Dreams - Alexei Hay
Is Drew Barrymore dancing, swimming or drowning? In the May issue of Elle Magazine, Alexei Hay gets Drew to take a dip with designer gowns. What follows is a photo set we'll always remember.
source: here
Technicolor Dreams: Sarah Lee
Photographer Sarah Lee is one of those young women who's creativity started peaking at an early age. Currently 18, she's attending Chapman University in Orange, California as a freshman. In this set of photos, she creates an underwater world that's spectacularly colorful.
source: here
Keira's the Queen of the Night: Candice
Keira Knightley recently shot this campaign for Fresh 2O for Water Aid. The svelte actress is a tangled mess, albeit a beautiful one.

Amazing Trees - unusual trees from around the world

It was Buddha who said:
"A tree is a wonderful living organism which gives shelter, food, warmth and protection to all living things. It even gives shade to those who wield an axe to cut it down."

And Joyce Kilmer immortalised the grace and beauty of trees in poetry:
"I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree."

The Great Blue Hole

Great Blue Hole, one of the world’s most recognizable natural wonders. It is located in Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, about 60 miles away from Belize City. It is believed that this hole is the world’s largest sea-hole. It is about 125 meters deep and its diameter is about 300 meters wide. It has been created as a cause of sea level increase about 65,000 years ago.